
Running Legal Like a Business (RLLB) 2024 Recap

By Memme Onwudiwe, EVP Legal & Business Intelligence and founding member at Evisort

This September, we attended the Running Legal Like A Business Conference at the Fontainebleau Las Vegas. As always, it was a pleasure to catch up with so many friends, customers, and partners.

Based on our conversations, it’s clear that while some legal ops professionals remain hesitant about adopting AI, we’re seeing a growing number who are ready to leap. In fact, some are shifting their focus entirely—it’s not just about Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) anymore; for many, AI-powered contract intelligence is the real game-changer.

A perfect example of this shift came from Allison Silver, Global Head of Strategic Operations at Zoom, during the panel "Contract Management Tomorrow Today: Practical Applications of AI & Data." Allison shared how they layered Evisort’s advanced AI analytics on top of their legacy CLM, emphasizing how crucial AI has become in contract management.

The session was led by Jerry Ting, Evisort's Co-Founder, and CEO, and also included Carol Hopperton, Legal Chief of Staff at Vonage, and Justin Hectus, Managing Director at Harbor. Together, they led an insightful discussion on how AI and data insights are changing the way legal teams think about contract management.

We also had some incredible discussions during the networking lunch on Thursday, co-hosted by Jeffrey Marple and myself on behalf of Evisort and Harbor. One of the big topics was about “Document Jailbreaks.”  Jeff and I like to say that contracts are like tiny jails for data—all that valuable business information is trapped inside, and unless you have the right tools, it’s tough to break it free. For years, legal teams have relied on clause extraction to unearth crucial information, which saved countless hours of manual work. But there were still limits to how precise the data retrieval could be.

In our lunch, we talked about how with Evisort's latest AI-powered advancements, we’re not just unlocking contract data—we're doing so with surgical precision. As Jeff puts it: “For the past several years, we could get close to the data customers needed through clause extraction, saving time and effort. But now, with this breakthrough in AI-powered extraction, we can pinpoint exactly the data points legal and business leaders need. It's like moving from a shovel to a pair of tweezers.”

The CLM Speed Dating session was a fantastic opportunity to talk about Evisort’s CLM. We often find ourselves deep in conversations about AI-powered contract intelligence, so it was refreshing to showcase how Evisort’s CLM is also helping legal ops teams manage contracts more efficiently from drafting to renewal.

Accepting the Best Use of AI in a Legal Department Award for Workday!

I was also honored to accept the "Best Use of AI in a Legal Department" award on behalf of Workday! It’s been inspiring to witness what Greg Bennett, Kristi Johnson, and the Workday team have achieved by leveraging AI to drive legal operations efficiency.

A huge congratulations to Vonage for their well-deserved recognition with the "Best Transformation Project by In-House Legal Teams" award! Working with Carol Hopperton and Jordan Chapnik-Kadec, alongside the team at Harbor, has been a joy as they transformed workflow processes using insights from contract data.

Overall, it was fantastic to connect with so many customers and peers at the event – the sessions and content were incredible by all accounts. Special thanks to Connie Brenton and Jeff Franke for putting together such a valuable and engaging event.

If we didn’t get a chance to connect at RLLB, we’d love to see you at another event soon. Check out all the upcoming places you can find the Evisort team on our events page.

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