Increase access to actionable financial data
Identify and analyze risks
Mitigate financial and compliance risk within the supply and customer base. Quickly find and report on payment terms, liability clauses, deadlines, and financial obligations to get ahead of risks and anticipate business implications.

Build stronger business processes
Streamline collaboration and increase accountability with legal and business teams via automated workflows, document commenting, and review notifications. Reduce manual work including AI extraction and connected data to minimize overall risk.
Illuminate AI insights from connected contract data
Gain deeper visibility into key contract data such as termination or payment terms via live, AI-powered dashboards that enable you to verify the exact clause or relevant language.

Increase accountability with connected contract data
Connect your existing contract storage systems and populate payment, CRM, and ERP systems with underlying contract data so that all key stakeholders have secure, appropriate access to actionable data that’s relevant to them.